Norouz is the new year in Iran and 13 other countries in the world. Norouz starts with the beginning of the Spring (usually the 21st of March) and it is the biggest Persian tradition. Before the arrival of Norouz, Iranians gather around a decorated table called Haftsin. The Haftsin includes 7 symbolic items all begin with the alphabet “S” in Farsi such as Sumak (symbol of sunrise), apple (symbol of beauty), garlic (symbol of health), Persian olive (symbol of love), sweet pudding (symbol of strength), vinegar (symbol of patience), and lentil (symbol of rebirth).
It was our pleasure to celebrate the Norouz as a big ceremony with more than 110 Iranian and non-Iranian guests. The AIPaD’s Norouz was started at 17.00 on the 19th of March, 2022. The ceremony was started with playing a fun game using balloons while dancing. Afterward, DJ Yas started playing fun kinds of music to warm up. Although snacks and drinks were available during the ceremony, different types of salads were served at 19.00. Around 22.00, an Iranian buffet was served for the dinner. The ceremony was finished with a karaoke competition around midnight.